Legg inn dine kontaktopplysninger om du har utstyr for salg, så tar vi kontakt med deg You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Name Email Phone number Equipment Contact me Leave this field blank featured ads Tume HKL-3000 jcTume HKL-3000 jc #42726 Så og gjødsel Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 19:00:00 Pöttinger Faro 3500 DPöttinger Faro 3500 D #42478 Gressmaskiner Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 20:00:00 Cat 301.7D - MinigraverCat 301.7D - Minigraver #42799 Minigraver Current bid: NOK60,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/30 20:00:00 Terex FM 200 BWTerex FM 200 BW #42587 Knuse- og sikteutstyr Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/23 21:00:00 Valtra N174 DValtra N174 D #42491 Valtra Starting price: NOK800,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 21:00:00 Tokvam SV 5000 StrøvognTokvam SV 5000 Strøvogn #42690 Veiutstyr Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/04/04 20:00:00 Valtra T234Valtra T234 #42250 Valtra Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 20:00:00 John Deere 1750 Synchron - 6500 timerJohn Deere 1750 Synchron - 6500 timer #42743 John Deere Current bid: NOK35,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 20:00:00 View all new ads Korntørkeanlegg - JemaKorntørkeanlegg - Jema #42809 Korn Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 20:00:00 Kubota traktor B1700/m front skjærKubota traktor B1700/m front skjær #42704 Kubota Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/04/03 20:00:00 Kuhn FC 3125D FKuhn FC 3125D F #42811 Gressmaskiner Current bid: NOK15,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 20:00:00 Shatal CS502HD KUN BRUKT 40 METERShatal CS502HD KUN BRUKT 40 METER #42814 Tilbehør Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/03/31 11:30:00 View all View allAuctions that are ending soon Ifor Williams GhIfor Williams Gh #42778 Andre kjøretøy Current bid: NOK14,000 2025/03/29 08:21:06 Volvo 430Volvo 430 #42782 Andre Current bid: NOK21,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/29 08:42:04 Tokvam SMA 1100Tokvam SMA 1100 #42780 Vinterutstyr Current bid: NOK500 Excluding MVA 2025/03/29 08:56:30 Keltec rundballdelerKeltec rundballdeler #42779 Andre redskap Current bid: NOK30,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/29 09:26:21 Annonser med bud Annonser med bud Volvo Fh16-660 6x4 med brønnhengerVolvo Fh16-660 6x4 med brønnhenger #42263 Trekkvogn Current bid: NOK300,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/03 21:00:00 Samsung SE 130 IC-2Samsung SE 130 IC-2 #42285 Gravemaskin Current bid: NOK70,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 12:00:00 Bayliner 1950 Capri Bayliner 1950 Capri #41581 Båter Current bid: NOK50,000 2025/03/31 21:00:00 Massey Ferguson 3095 (MVA FRI)Massey Ferguson 3095 (MVA FRI) #42769 Massey Ferguson Current bid: NOK50,000 2025/04/04 20:00:00 EC-Oil Feste s70EC-Oil Feste s70 #41985 Tilbehør Current bid: NOK15,000 2025/03/31 12:00:00 Transportband 4 meterTransportband 4 meter #40947 Grovfôr Current bid: NOK5,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/31 15:00:00 Nidelv 730 HolidayNidelv 730 Holiday #41272 Båter Current bid: NOK2,000 2025/04/01 21:00:00 Ole R Aasen No1 hengerOle R Aasen No1 henger #42419 Tilhenger Current bid: NOK1,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/30 15:01:23 View all Sist solgte objekter Sist solgte objekter Sold Årø AC uten motorÅrø AC uten motor #42402 Båter Indicated price: NOK20,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/28 21:00:00 Sold JF-GX 2800S JF-GX 2800S #40145 Gressmaskiner Current bid: NOK48,500 Excluding MVA 2025/03/27 21:00:00 Sold BVL V-MIX 10N-1S Pluss fullforblanderBVL V-MIX 10N-1S Pluss fullforblander #42649 Grovformekanisering Current bid: NOK360,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/28 12:58:55 Sold Kverneland AA42 harv (5,1 m)Kverneland AA42 harv (5,1 m) #42716 Jordbehandling Current bid: NOK20,000 2025/03/28 12:06:50 Sold Kvernland 3x16 tommer 120 vendehode Kvernland 3x16 tommer 120 vendehode #42218 Jordbehandling Indicated price: NOK28,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/26 20:08:50 Sold John Deere 6155RJohn Deere 6155R #42437 John Deere Current bid: NOK1,360,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/26 19:30:00 Sold Junkkari 2500s såmaskinJunkkari 2500s såmaskin #42717 Så og gjødsel Current bid: NOK10,000 2025/03/28 09:40:23 Sold BMW 525D delebil/rep objektBMW 525D delebil/rep objekt #42632 Bruktbil Current bid: NOK11,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/27 20:00:00
Tume HKL-3000 jcTume HKL-3000 jc #42726 Så og gjødsel Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 19:00:00
Pöttinger Faro 3500 DPöttinger Faro 3500 D #42478 Gressmaskiner Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 20:00:00
Cat 301.7D - MinigraverCat 301.7D - Minigraver #42799 Minigraver Current bid: NOK60,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/30 20:00:00
Terex FM 200 BWTerex FM 200 BW #42587 Knuse- og sikteutstyr Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/23 21:00:00
Valtra N174 DValtra N174 D #42491 Valtra Starting price: NOK800,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 21:00:00
Tokvam SV 5000 StrøvognTokvam SV 5000 Strøvogn #42690 Veiutstyr Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/04/04 20:00:00
John Deere 1750 Synchron - 6500 timerJohn Deere 1750 Synchron - 6500 timer #42743 John Deere Current bid: NOK35,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 20:00:00
Korntørkeanlegg - JemaKorntørkeanlegg - Jema #42809 Korn Current bid: Awaiting bids Excluding MVA 2025/04/02 20:00:00
Kubota traktor B1700/m front skjærKubota traktor B1700/m front skjær #42704 Kubota Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/04/03 20:00:00
Kuhn FC 3125D FKuhn FC 3125D F #42811 Gressmaskiner Current bid: NOK15,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 20:00:00
Shatal CS502HD KUN BRUKT 40 METERShatal CS502HD KUN BRUKT 40 METER #42814 Tilbehør Current bid: Awaiting bids 2025/03/31 11:30:00
Tokvam SMA 1100Tokvam SMA 1100 #42780 Vinterutstyr Current bid: NOK500 Excluding MVA 2025/03/29 08:56:30
Keltec rundballdelerKeltec rundballdeler #42779 Andre redskap Current bid: NOK30,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/29 09:26:21
Volvo Fh16-660 6x4 med brønnhengerVolvo Fh16-660 6x4 med brønnhenger #42263 Trekkvogn Current bid: NOK300,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/03 21:00:00
Samsung SE 130 IC-2Samsung SE 130 IC-2 #42285 Gravemaskin Current bid: NOK70,000 Excluding MVA 2025/04/01 12:00:00
Massey Ferguson 3095 (MVA FRI)Massey Ferguson 3095 (MVA FRI) #42769 Massey Ferguson Current bid: NOK50,000 2025/04/04 20:00:00
Transportband 4 meterTransportband 4 meter #40947 Grovfôr Current bid: NOK5,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/31 15:00:00
Ole R Aasen No1 hengerOle R Aasen No1 henger #42419 Tilhenger Current bid: NOK1,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/30 15:01:23
Sold Årø AC uten motorÅrø AC uten motor #42402 Båter Indicated price: NOK20,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/28 21:00:00
Sold JF-GX 2800S JF-GX 2800S #40145 Gressmaskiner Current bid: NOK48,500 Excluding MVA 2025/03/27 21:00:00
Sold BVL V-MIX 10N-1S Pluss fullforblanderBVL V-MIX 10N-1S Pluss fullforblander #42649 Grovformekanisering Current bid: NOK360,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/28 12:58:55
Sold Kverneland AA42 harv (5,1 m)Kverneland AA42 harv (5,1 m) #42716 Jordbehandling Current bid: NOK20,000 2025/03/28 12:06:50
Sold Kvernland 3x16 tommer 120 vendehode Kvernland 3x16 tommer 120 vendehode #42218 Jordbehandling Indicated price: NOK28,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/26 20:08:50
Sold John Deere 6155RJohn Deere 6155R #42437 John Deere Current bid: NOK1,360,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/26 19:30:00
Sold Junkkari 2500s såmaskinJunkkari 2500s såmaskin #42717 Så og gjødsel Current bid: NOK10,000 2025/03/28 09:40:23
Sold BMW 525D delebil/rep objektBMW 525D delebil/rep objekt #42632 Bruktbil Current bid: NOK11,000 Excluding MVA 2025/03/27 20:00:00